Alex Segovia



About the Artist

Born in El Salvador, Alex grew up in a community with limited resources and lived through a civil war. Most people back then as I was growing up were very poor,” Alex said. “We were peasants. We worked out in the fields picking up cotton.” When he was younger, he knew he wanted to create and discovered that he was good at drawing and writing, but his family did not have the means to buy the art materials he needed. Still he drew and spent his free time making kites, which children sometimes asked to buy from him. Later while living in Nicaragua, Alex owned a wood shop where he continued his desire to create and made custom furniture.

When Alex came to the United States in 2011 and gained access to different materials, he resumed his love of art and began doing sketches again on regular watercolor paper. For Christmas in 2015, a friend gave Alex a small kit of acrylic paints, small canvases and brushes. He began learning painting techniques on his own. He went on to buy large tubes of paint and pre-framed canvases. Alex sketches ideas for his paintings drawing from the things he sees all around him. “They could be people, nature, things that I see in stores, animals,” Alex said. “And sometimes I see other paintings online and that takes me to different places and gives me different ideas, and I go from there.” Self-taught, Alex brings a unique perspective to his art with vibrant tones and dynamic textures. Recently, Alex began buying rolls of canvas, returning to his wood working days by making his own frames so he can paint larger than life size works.

Currently residing in Avon, NY, Alex shares his talent in the community by donating some of his art for good cause. He has also exhibited in Batavia, Dansville, Rochester, Brooklyn, and Norwalk, CT.

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