A Gradual Reopening

Our galleries have been closed since the beginning of the pandemic in mid-March.  I have gone into our offices and galleries each week since that time, and it always felt strange, almost like time travel.  The amazing artwork from our annual Members Show in February still adorned the walls, and memories of the successful and fun reception still seem to linger. It is as if time stood still since the last day we were open, March 13.

We have several talented local artists scheduled for exhibits throughout the year, and with the closure of our gallery, our first few exhibits were online.  Now, GVCA is gradually reopening on a by appointment basis.  We want to continue offering artwork to the public to view while  being mindful of safety and health guidelines.  It’s not a complete opening, but it is a start.

Last week, we hung our first exhibit since February; while the “masked” atmosphere was new, it felt great to be back hanging up some amazing artwork.  With the help of staff member, David Coon and GVCA Board member, Patrice Case, we hung the fiber work of local artist, Jo Konvinse in our Kitchen Gallery. I highly recommend you come in to experience this show, if you are comfortable doing so; her pieces are wonderful and incredible to view.  Her work, along with our other featured artist, Dave Hasler, can also be viewed at www.gvartscouncil.org (many thanks to our PR Coordinator Reb Geduk for all of her hard work getting these exhibits online!). We also have some of our extensive WPA collection hanging in our New Deal Gallery, and these paintings can also be viewed on our website.

We continue to work on our annual events, such as our Fare & Ware Festival and our Member Gala.  They may not look like the events that we are used to, but we want to continue supporting local artists and promoting the arts during these challenging circumstances. Please visit our website to make an appointment if you are interested in visiting our galleries, and thank you for your continued support of GVCA!

Images of the recent installation of Jo Konvinse’s artwork in the Kitchen Gallery.

Click here to see the artwork online and to make an appointment to see the work in person.
